Chuck Quinton

Chuck Quinton is the founder of the Rotary Swing and the former Teaching Professional at Castle Pines Golf Club in Colorado. He also founded the Rotary Swing Golf Academy at the Ritz Carlton Golf Club in Orlando, Florida where he teaches golf during the winter months.
Chuck Quinton is the author of the popular “The Rotary Swing” golf instruction book that has sold thousands of copies worldwide as well as the instructional DVD series, “Swing Plane Made Simple” and “Short Game Made Simple”, and most recently the “Rotary Swing Tour Certification Manual”.
Chuck Quinton’s instructional website, https://rotaryswing.com/ is one of the largest golf instruction sites on the Internet today with thousands of visitors per day and is host to over 300 instructional videos that Chuck Quinton has created, as well as over 150 articles he has written. His videos on YouTube have been viewed millions of times and he has been featured as a guest on ESPN Sports Radio numerous times, as well as numerous local radio shows around the country.
Chuck Quinton has helped thousands of students of all abilities, including many players on the PGA Tour, Web.com Tour, European PGA Tour, LPGA Tour, Futures Tour, Hooters Tour, Gateway Tour and numerous other mini-tours. Chuck Quinton has spent thousands of hours of tireless research, continuing instruction and hard work to create Rotary Swing.